Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Essay

Aron Ralston’s physiological need was to satisfy his hunger, thirst, and a need to love and be loved. His desire was to be a father. This gave him a purpose to live. His will to live became greater than dying. But thirst and hunger overcame him to a point where he was saving and sipping his own urine to stay alive. I also believe that he had a divine appointment as he was shown insight into his reproductive future by the vision he had of a son. He was also shown that he was going to lose his arm when he saw the preschool boy being scooped up by a one armed man. I do not know if Aron believed in God or if he even had a relationship with my Lord and Savior or not, but I do think that his spiritual development should have grown through his journey. Hunger can put us in a life or death situation. After hours of driving alone in an unfamiliar city, you finally see a diner where you can eat. Even though it looks deserted and a little creepy, you end up stopping because you are really hungry. According to Maslow (pg 407) our need to meet the physiological need of hunger and thirst takes priority over our safety needs prompting us to take risk at times in order to eat. See more:Â  Masters of Satire: John Dryden and Jonathan Swift Essay References Myers, David G. Psychology. New York: Worth, 1998. Print. Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Essay With the exception of reflexes, the science of psychology portends that all human behavior is motivated. The subject is exhaustively dealt with by different schools of thought and each of which appears to be valid explanations of human behavior. Dr. Abraham Maslow (Halonen & Santrock, 1996) made a strenuous effort to arrange human motives in a hierarchy from stronger and lower at one end to weaker and higher at the other. Maslow essentially suggested that what man really wants is more of everything. Man desires a better and better situation for himself. He wants only what he does not already have, and thus satisfied needs do not motivate behavior. Maslow said that needs or wants can be arranged in a hierarchy of importance. Thus, when needs on the lower level are fulfilled, those on a higher level emerge and demand satisfaction. The hierarchy of needs he suggested placed physiological needs as lowest or basic, then safety needs, social needs, esteem needs, and finally self-realization needs. In other words, Maslow believed that higher needs are expressed only when the prepotent physiological needs are satisfied. See more:Â  Perseverance essay This is also true of needs for safety and security. Until there is a basic amount of order and stability in meeting the lower needs, a person may have little interest in higher pursuits (Halonen & Santrock, 1996). A person with an empty stomach cannot be expected to write literary work or tasked to write an essay about the effects of war on Afghanistan. The paper attempts to scrutinize the validity of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory based on several criteria which shall be discussed as follows. Discussion Maslow’s theory is classified under the humanistic perspective as it emphasizes the direction towards an individual must proceed which is self-actualization. This point in his hierarchy, Maslow tried to explain in much detail. According to him, self-actualization when attained, demonstrates what it is to be a fully developed human being. It is described as elusive due to the fact that man must have to satisfy the lower needs or those needs preceding this highest need (Halonen & Santrock, 1996). To satisfy further one’s curiosity about this theory, the theory will be determined by the following: Freedom or Determinism: can a person control their own behavior or is it determined by internal or external forces? In Maslow’s viewpoint, human motives are ordered in hierarchy and thus, man responds to these as they arise (Halonen & Santrock, 1996). With this premise, the theory is basically leaning toward the philosophical idea of freedom. Man is free to chart his course and how he is supposed to fulfill his various needs; i. e. his physiological dimension. In addition, the manner with which he carves himself in a particular niche that satisfies his psychological domains is also based on his own volition. There is no flavor of unconscious thoughts pervading motivation like when the idea of psychological instincts being interpreted within Maslow’s understanding; in contrast to this notion, any individual can basically control their own behavior. Maslow’s theory believes on the capacities of human nature to achieve what man wants to achieve rather than be held captive by forces within him or in his external world; it is the internal determinants such as self-determination that separates the theory from the rest especially among those with the deterministic stance (Halonen & Santrock, 1996). Hereditary or Environmental: are the characteristics a person has inherited and inborn or is it developed by social influences? Since the premise of this theory hinges on freedom, a person’s characteristics therefore are developed by social influences. According to Maslow then, people vary in their manner of satisfying their needs because of various environmental influences that surround him/her. Man is free to choose from several options adequately provide for his own needs or desires. What are essentials though, are man’s tendencies or propensity to follow the order of needs. Biology or heritability is deemphasized, rather the value of experience is pre-eminent in the theory (Halonen & Santrock, 1996). Uniqueness or Universality: individuals are unique or people are all pretty much the same This theory eventually emphasizes individuality or uniqueness, as it fundamentally illustrates in its assertion that every one has the capability for breakthroughs in circumstances which may be difficult. Man is also capable to understand himself and others, showing a lot of hope on the potentials that man possesses that he can exhaust in his lifetime (Halonen & Santrock, 1996). Proactive or Reactive: individuals act on their own initiative or just in reaction to external stimuli? Since man is free, unique and has the possibilities to accomplish whatever he is set to do, it is also asserted that man is proactive: he can choose how to respond in any situation and may even extend himself to advance his interests, both positive and negative at whatever goal or in whatever circumstance he may be in (Halonen & Santrock, 1996). Optimistic or Pessimistic: individuals can change given the right environment or they are unchangeable? The Hierarchy theory by design is hopeful and positive in every essence, if one is to follow the line of thinking which Maslow attempted to direct his audience. Individuals then have all the chances to make their lives fulfilling, impact others on virtues of honesty, charity and generosity, if and when he determines himself to be one. Likewise, he can also influence and negatively affect those that surround him when he chooses to do so. In this perspective then, an individual has high hopes of changing his attitudes and disposition, as well as his physical arrangements in life (Halonen & Santrock, 1996). Part II. Evaluation of the theory If this theory is to be evaluated, the strength of Maslow’s assumptions lies in his recognition of the positives that humans possess. It reminds the audience of the person as a whole being and not just an organism subject to either what the psychoanalysts termed as instincts or behaviorists’ position as merely organismic. The emphasis on developing the potentialities mark Maslow’s crowning achievement in terms of theoretical appeal (Halonen & Santrock, 1996). However, there are obvious or clear discrepancies or weaknesses in the theory. Since Psychology claims to start and end as a scientific endeavor, thus following scientific procedures to provide proofs to any of its claims, then Maslow’s theory must be ready to be tested accordingly. And this is where his theory fails in almost every measure in essence. At the outset, this viewpoint of explaining behavior is difficult to measure or put to test. Specifically, despite the details and emphasis Maslow placed on self-actualization the concept is still hard to operationally define. Scientists then and now are encountering various dilemmas in making the concept scientifically or empirically acceptable. In addition, there are illogical and inconsistent presuppositions in the constructs he postulated. He adheres to man’s capability to choose and yet how can he justify the existence of the structure of ordering needs in every individual if man is not born with it in the first place. How can he explain as well on those people who have achieved (jumped to the higher order needs) when they are barely existing or are starving at the same time; being altruistic and yet has no means to adequately meet their own needs (Halonen & Santrock, 1996). Lastly, studies even show that many who adhere to this philosophical viewpoint shun the scientific procedures imposed on any scientific field or discipline, and choose to lean towards the clinical orientation for the explanation of specific behaviors or motivations. Others who examined this theory explained that the assumptions on human behavior are too high or exaggerating on positives or the freedom and the logical capabilities that humans possess. Maslow’s theory, especially his self-actualization concept, critics affirm, implies the tendency for man to reinforce his self-centeredness (Halonen & Santrock, 1996). Conclusion If popularity and appeal are benchmarks for a theory to pass with flying colors, Maslow’s theory probably will go to the top. This is evidenced also as to the current prevalence of his theory in business; it is pervadingly present in almost every discussion in any business management course apparently (Halonen & Santrock, 1996). For convenience, I too would readily fall for his theory and its seemingly simplistic way of explaining behaviors. But if I were to stick to following empirical underpinnings, I should say that the theory is not deep enough to satisfy more difficult human dilemmas, though in some instances, the theory seems to point to some aspects of life’s realities. It is not sufficient to compel me to believe in the theory enough. To illustrate, pursuing many of our own self-centered needs only frustrates us all the time and eventually makes many of us disordered and mentally sick along the way. Can I use it to predict human nature? In fairness, yes; but to a certain extent only, because as I mentioned, it is not sufficient enough to merit full dependence. The theory can probably modified to some degree as a picture of several aspects of being human, but to explain about the potentialities, may imply believing too much when all that is in there is just hot air, so to speak. Self-actualization may provide hope for those who are so discouraged in life, but it is still very limited in reality. Some even say that a by-product of this belief is a sense of irresponsibility (Halonen & Santrock, 1996). Remarkably, Maslow suggested that various famous personalities illustrate what his theory posited including Beethoven, the brilliant composer, and Lincoln, one of the greatest leaders of all time. Each of them exemplified individuals who had characteristics of the self-actualized person (Halonen & Santrock, 1996). Reference: Halonen, Jane and John Santrock (1996). Psychology: Contexts of Behavior. Brown and Benchmark Publishers, pp. 453 and 553-556.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Enrollment Process Essay

INTRODUCTION Enrollment is the process of entering and verifying data of students and faculty to register on a certain school. Different interconnected processes build up enrollment procedures called enrollment system. Enrollment system is used particularly in recording and retrieving students’ information. Tracking students’ information is also one feature of enrollment system, in which the school can trace the standing of a student. Verifying payments is also added to update or browse students’ billings. Enrollment system is a good example of a computer generated process. This can diminish the workload and provide accurate information needed of the school. Enrollment and Accounting System must be used in schools. It will provide and store the needed information faster and more convenient. Moreover, it allows the retrieval of information of student enrollees and faculties in a computer system that will lessen their time and effort of faculty staff in storing files of each student and faculty every now and then. The information here can be viewed in just a second without becoming anxious that a single file is lost. The idea behind an enrollment and accounting system is not a new concept since some schools are already using electronic enrollment system. In this study, the researchers concentrated on the developed of Enrollment and Accounting System for St. Andrew Academy to provide solution to the problem that they encounter in operating its manual enrollment and accounting system. The directress of the said school uses manual system in recording and retrieving students’ information. In fact, she does all the record keeping just by using ball pen and columnar sheet. On the other hand, the registrar also uses manual system in recording and retrieving student information. In connection to this, the researchers conclude that they are capable of creating a system to address the problem based on their background and knowledge they learned in their Database Management System 2. PROJECT CONTEXT (IPO) The system design project is Enrollment and Accounting System that will provide and store the needed information in a faster, more convenient way by  storing file of the student enrollees and payroll of the faculties in a computer system. This will also be exclusively used for the irregular students, freshmen, transferee, and professor/instructor in able to get access in course, subject, professor, and student enrollees. This will also be a big help to all the enrollment staff especially under the management information system because they are the ones who are entitled to touch and read the information. It will help the institution to have a system that will enhance the enrollment processes so as to meet the quality that the institutions are trying to meet. Input Process Output FEEDBACK Figure 1: Research Paradigm The paradigm of this research consists of three parts. First is Input wherein the researchers will identify the problems encounter of the existing of Enrollment and Accounting System of St. Andrew Academy, the Functional and Non-Functional requirements of the system, the Hardware and Software requirements, and last is the level of acceptability of the proposed system. This will enable the developers to work on the features of the system that will help alleviate, if not totally solve, the problems identified on the first phase of the study. The next phase of the study is the Process wherein the researchers will use the Unified Process (UP) in IPO is specifically from Inception to Transition. This is considered the most costly and laborious phase of the study as the developers will guarantee that the system addresses the problems determined in the first phase of the study. Last is the Output which will be the outcome of the concentrated system. The system will undergo intensive testing to evaluate the accuracy, efficiency, usefulness, responsiveness, and maintainability of the software. PURPOSE AND DESCRIPTION The main purpose of this study is to develop a software to improve the old and manual enrollment and accounting system of St. Andrew Academy. Hence, it helps allow the school to gain the optimum benefits that the user would get  once the new enrollment scheme is implemented. Moreover, it also aims to design an effective and efficient system in terms of speed, reliability and accuracy, and to ease the enrollment system for computer-based system effectively to benefit both the faculty and student community. This study is also meant to help the school manage various operations including data storage, administration, and operations. Students may inquire on matters related to admission and enrollment requirements. The faculty will also be allowed to inquire on matters related to their payrolls. This system assists the students and faculty in their educational and personal need. The enrollment and accounting system will support the student enrollment, admission, and registration process. The database includes the record of students’ personal data, academic information, and related fees. In connection to this, the information of the faculty of the school is required in this system. It focuses on storing and processing (insertion and updating) by using graphical user interface. It generates student information in formatted tables, fees invoice, subjects enrolled, student’s academic detail report, student’s personal detail report, and student’s fee deposition status report. New enrollees will be the only ones to fill up their personal information since they do not have existing records on the system yet. Returning students will only present their report card for the update of their academic record which is already stored in the system. Enrollment and Accounting System is a system in which the computer plays a major role. This is the best way of storing and retrieving data on a server or hard disk rather than using papers and file cabinets. This will help the institution to store the data they need efficiently. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The researchers aim to design and develop an Enrollment and Accounting System for the students and the teachers of St. Andrew Academy to improve their old and manual system. In accordance with this study, the researchers aimed to provide answers to the following questions: 1. To determine the problems encountered with the existing system of St. Andrew Academy. 2. To identify functional and non-functional requirements. 3. To identify hardware and software requirements. 4. To test the level of the acceptability of the proposed system. SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS The scope of this study is to determine the management practices of the said school. It will look into features of the office and its daily tasks operation. The respondents will be limited to the registrar, cashier, administrator, faculty and employees and the student to ascertain and identify the actual problems existing within the school. It will be used to avoid duplication in encoding and tracing the student information as well as the teachers/faculty information with payrolls when it comes to enrollment processing and payments. With regard to the accounting aspect, it is concerned in getting the time record and attendance of teachers. In the same time the computation of hours work and monitoring of over time, under time, late and outdoor work are included. In addition to this, the proposed Enrollment and Accounting System of St. Andrew Academy supports the network topology implementation within the campus. DEFINITION OF TERMS Operational Terms The definitions of terms are based on observable characteristics and how it is used in the study. Users They are the individuals who use the system for its problem solving assistance. Administrator It refers to a person in charge to manage a system. Record It is a document that contains an account particularly in terms of collection. Conceptual Terms The definitions of terms are based on concepts or hypothetic ones, which are usually taken from the dictionary. Computer System It is the configuration that includes all functional components of computer and its associated hardware or software. Database It is an integrated collection of data which provides a more efficient way of storage and retrieval of data and is capable of processing large portions of data immediately. Information is the data that has been changed into a  useful form of output. Process It refers to a series of actions, changes, of functions that bring about an end result. Software It is a computer terminology used to describe the unseen programming codes and running application inside the computer system. System It is a set of related a component that produces specific results.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Usage of ornaments and traditional aspects vs. Simplicity and no Essay

Usage of ornaments and traditional aspects vs. Simplicity and no ornaments - Essay Example Growing urban areas, especially in the rapidly developing cities, have become arenas of many contradictory forces associated with the growing of commercialism and consumption attitudes, architectural fashions and professional egoism, and many misconceptions regarding progress and modernization. Essentially, there is a potent discourse between building of simple and minimalist structures and doing away with the traditional aspects of architecture that lay emphasis on ornamental prowess. The big question is whether architecture, in its modern or traditional form, stands in harmony with the culture and environment (Trilling, 2001). Cities have thus become a symbol for the neglect of organic, cultural traditions and the destruction of the identity of places. Respect of traditions and factors specific to certain places is, however, of highest importance for a symbiotic development of the human environment relationship. As individual characteristics are different so it should be with cities, with urban planning. In the modern world, architecture has changed the values that it portrays. It reflects different set of values from the traditional local ones; buildings and space are symbols for economic and political power, importance and status, achievement and wealth, ours and theirs, poor and rich. The prerequisites are visibility and surprise; the creation of a distinct image in the observer’s mind for capturing his attention.... It is evident that ornamental architecture added to the visual appeal of architectural designs and also helped make people to easily relate to the buildings around them. However, the advent of modern architecture in the 1920s spelt death for the once popular ornamental architecture. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, it has been normal to assume that good design has to be plain and simple. Ornamentation was renounced because proponents of modern architecture believed that the decorative aspects of design were unnecessary and not cost effective (Loos, 1998) . The origins of modern architecture can be attributed to the social and political revolutions of that time. Advances in technology and engineering gave rise to new materials such as iron and steel which encourage minimalist design. The advent in modern architecture has given prominence to the concept of â€Å"internationalization†. In this regard, the design of buildings has become uniform regardless of the cultu ral background. This is evident considering that it has become a norm to have almost generic high rise block buildings in almost every city in the world. This paper seeks to analyze make a comparison between two architects. This is in respect to the traditional ornamental architecture and the modern non ornamental simple architectural design. It should be noted that architecture is an evolving discipline and thus modernity was bound to happen. However, the major issue is to evaluate the impacts of modern architecture and the how recent advances in architecture have shaped the society. The implications of discarding traditional ornamental architecture will also be evaluated. This is essential to assess the overall impact of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Divorce Mediation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Divorce Mediation - Essay Example 2. The mediator must use the framing and reframing of statements technique to defuse tension and hostility between parties and remind them that the children’s welfare are at stake. 3. Angela is in the best position to gain temporary custody of the children. Rationale The issues to be resolved between David and Angela can be divided into two: custody issue, and; property settlement issue. Initial and introductory mediation can be done during the first session as well as the issue on temporary custody. The subject of property settlement can be done in 1 to 2 sessions and child custody during the last session or vice-versa. Nevertheless, there is no guarantee that everything can be settled in four sessions only. One of the ways to defuse tension and hostility during family mediation is through the technique of framing and reframing the statements of parties. The mediator must listen for hostile and provocative remarks coming from either party and be ready to reframe these remarks using neutral words to prevent the other from being agitated. It is also wise to remind the parties of the children’s welfare during the discussions.

Video Reaction paper 2 pages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Video Reaction paper 2 pages - Essay Example Then it gets quiet like as when things slowed down a little and planets began to cool. Our sun began to attract its planets and on one planet, after eons, life began. The second part makes me think of plants growing and spreading life all over the earth. Saturn was forming its rings and Venus gather in it clouds. Maybe Mars had a start at life also, but in the music, I can hear it wither away. Finally, as man came on the scene the angels sang and all the bells rang to mark the beginning of civilization. In this music, I hear heavy horns with loud base and many drums. The drums are the low sounding ones, such as kettledrums and big base drums. The strings are used to mark times that are more tranquil and the small, high-pitched instruments are used to create the sounds of life. The instruments used in this music seldom sound altogether. They seem to be painting a huge picture or maybe telling a story. Each group of instruments seems to have its own part and only a few times does the whole orchestra play together. I will listen to this again, because it is so complex that I know I cannot even hear it all at one sitting. The video was really very helpful. I learned about the way the music is created and why. The discussions about theory and different cultures that used different theory explain why some music to me does not sound good. This music comes close a few times to not sounding good, but then it moves back into what I like very soon. Seeing the orchestra play, this piece was really important for me as I could see the various instruments as they took up their parts. I did not even hear the oboes and I knew nothing about the special big horn used in this symphony. I thought the music was a little like a story or a conversation, so the video showing where this comes from was really interesting. I think if there were a lot of these about classical music then children would become interested in classical music

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Competition Faced by Magiqads in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Competition Faced by Magiqads in the UK - Essay Example Transport- Railway & underground systems, airports, buses, taxis, and trucksides, etc form the core of transport medium. Due to its high street presence in areas where roadside marketing takes a back leap, it is one of the most popular outdoor advertising medium. A full service media house based in Kuala Lumpur, Magiqads uses 3D-floor imaging technology called 'Floorstoppers' (patented in London). Some of the esteemed companies with whom Magiqads has signed long term deals include Tesco's, Airports (Langkawi / Penang etc.), Universities, and the Kuala Lumpur monorail. Our partnerships include the University of Malaya (graphic design & creative skills) and 3M, who provide the laminate and training for our media installers. Brands who advertise with Magiqads in SE Asia include Sony Ericsson / Diageo / Coca-Cola / Adidas / Swatch and Unilever. The company is soon going to launch its services in the UK. But, the road of survival and success in UK would definitely not be an easy task. UK already has a number of well established firms in the field of outdoor advertising. There are number of big and small firms providing advertising services in the UK. ... To survive and compete in such a highly competitive market, Magiqads has to create a niche for itself by providing best and innovative services at a price that beats its competitors. The kind of fierce competition that Magiqads will have to face in the UK can be seen by this example- Technology Boosts Outdoor Ads As Competition Becomes Fiercer4 In 1994, when the billboard companies bid for the world's biggest outdoor advertising contract -- to hang up posters throughout the London subway system - all what was offered was to hang up posters. Recently, when the project came up again, it sparked a bidding war among the top providers of outdoor advertising space. The winner, CBS Corp., promised to install hundreds of television screens and projectors to beam advertisements on the walls. It spent years developing a way to stick up posters without glue (Aaron O. Patrick, 2006). This reflects the changing scenario and increasing competition in the outdoor advertising market in UK. Companies are trying to outdo their rivals by providing new, creative, and innovative techniques at a price better than others. In this kind of scene, if Magiqads have to survive and succeed, it will have to create a niche for itself by providing best and innovative services at a price that beats its competitors. Some of the leading outdoor advertising companies that will give a tough competition to Magiqads in UK are Clearchannel, JC Decaux and Titan, CBS. Clearchannel UK has established their brand and provide more than 70,000 advertising opportunities across 6 Sheets, billboards, premium formats and taxis5. JC Decaux- JC Decaux has an unbeatable presence in all major cities of UK including Manchester, London, Birmingham, and Glass

Friday, July 26, 2019

Kerry James Marshall - Better Homes Better Gardens Essay

Kerry James Marshall - Better Homes Better Gardens - Essay Example The essay "Kerry James Marshall - Better Homes Better Gardens" explores the Better Homes Better Gardens by Kerry James Marshall. The African-American artist Kerry James Marshall has worked to include his own experience and background into his paintings in such a way that they work to provide a meaningful background to his subjects, adding subtleties of meaning to the overall work that helps to portray his idea of what the painting is attempting to say. Unlike Dali, however, the background meanings of many of Marshall’s paintings are easier to decipher, perhaps because they are drawn from such a broadly experienced background as the civil rights movements of the 1950s and the Watts riots and other cultural issues that hit the streets of Los Angeles in the 1960s. By understanding the social, cultural and political background from which Marshall is pulling as well as the way in which he combines a variety of mediums and inspirations to present a finished project that speaks volum es about its subject in every inch of his canvas, it is possible to analyze a painting such as â€Å"Better Homes, Better Gardens† in such a way as to approximate what Marshall himself was trying to express in his selections of color, form, subject and imagery. Kerry James Marshall was born in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955. This was the year of the bus boycott in Alabama, that launched Martin Luther King as a significant leader of the civil rights movement and that saw a great deal of violence in the city streetsÃ'Ž

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Does Negative Attack Campaigns have an impact on US Presidential Research Paper

Does Negative Attack Campaigns have an impact on US Presidential Elections - Research Paper Example kinds of negative advertisement, and stands to reason that these different kinds of negative ads will have different effects on the people who view them. Some negative ads simply state that there are policy differences between the two candidates, so these are more compare and contrast. Others are scurrilous attacks – they might be lies, or irrelevant, or both. The types of ads out of the first category will have different effects than the types of ads from the second category, and the research bears this out. However, the research does not necessarily state whether the policy difference ads increases turnout for one candidate or another – the research simply states that these ads increase turnout overall. Moreover, the research indicates that scurrilous or irrelevant attack ads – the kind that do not advance the debate – depresses turnout overall. This study will attempt to discern if the policy type negative ads increases turnout for one candidate over an other, and how these ads makes the electorate view each candidate. This study will also seek to find out if the more scurrilous, mud-slinging type ads depresses turnout, and how these ads make the electorate see candidates. Finally, this study will seek to discover how the public perceives ads which might either be seen as advancing the debate, or scurrilous or irrelevant, and will seek to find out how the public views these ads, how they categorize them, and why. Mark (2006) states that negative campaigns very often depend upon television advertising. However, the negative campaigns are not restricted to television advertisements, stating that the negativity often pervades every aspect of the candidate’s messaging, including candidates’ speeches, debates, press statement and talk show appearances. The Internet also plays a large part in negative campaigning, as Stokes (2006) notes. Specifically, Stokes (2006) points to a smear campaign against Teresa Heinz-Kerry, who is the wife of Senator John

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Blood Pressure Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Blood Pressure - Lab Report Example As the muscles are less stretched the force of contraction decreases which reduces the stroke volume. Decreased stroke volume results in decreased cardiac output and hence reduces blood pressure initially. This is also called orthostatic hypotension (reduced blood supply to brain due to reduced cardiac output causing fainting). However after sometimes, baroreceptor respond to this decreased blood volume and stimulates the cardio-accelerator center in Rostral Ventrolateral Medulla which cause noradrenergic discharge. Nor adrenaline then acts on Beta-2 adrenergic receptors on myocardium to increase the heart rate and force of contraction to increase the blood pressure to normal and thus maintaining homeostasis (Williams et al, 2004). Q2. Analyzing the blood pressure it becomes evident that although there was a drop in mean systolic blood pressure (114mm Hg sitting versus 111 mm Hg standing, but it was not statistically significant as p value was > 0.05), even mean diastolic blood pressure decreased (76.3 mm Hg sitting versus 73 mm Hg standing but again it was not statistically significant as p value was > 0.05). However the mean pulse pressure ( difference between systolic and diastolic) increased(84.6 mm Hg sitting versus 87 mm Hg, but this was also not statistically significant as p value was > 0.05). This means that out of 100 observations more than 5 observations has happened due to chance factors of random sampling and change in posture has not statistically altered their blood pressure. Though statistically insignificant it is clearly seen that clinically or physiologically there is reduction of blood pressure from sitting and standing postures as discussed in question 1. The increased pulse pressure was d ue to the fact to compensate the reduction in cardiac output and increase the peripheral circulation (Williams et al, 2004) (Blair et al, 1980). t tests are conducted to test the significance of difference between

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Warfare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Warfare - Essay Example reader, the fact of the matter is that the data is incomplete and necessarily causes the reviewer/analyst to misinterpret the situation that is being represented. As a means of understanding the way in which this together situation is misrepresented, the analysis will engage the reader with discussion of some of the core drawbacks that exist within the research at hand. Without question, the war in Afghanistan is an issue that still engenders a great deal of societal debate; however, instead of delving into this debate in seeking to take sides, the author will instead leverage the information that is represented within the article, and the article alone, as a means of drawing inference upon whether or not statistics and data are valid for making the points at hand. Firstly, it should be noted that the data charts that are represented in the opening tables of the article do not represent the number of civilian deaths between 2001 and 2007. This is an unimaginable oversight. Ultimately, the bloodiest years of any conflict or invasion are those at the very beginning of such an action. Whereas it is of course laudable that the authors intended to track the state at all, the overall level of inference that the reader can gain from statistics that only begin tracking civilian deaths in late 2007 is greatly diminished. Furthermore, the article does not begin tracking ‘ground engagements’ until 2011 (Zenko, 2014). As can be understood, the nation of Afghanistan is extraordinarily poor. Thus, it is not expected that terrorists or other groups will utilise advanced weaponry and/or the Air Force as a means of engaging targets. By extension, it can also be assumed that the ‘invaders’ of Afghanistan, namely NATO, heavily utilise a ir power in lieu of ground engagements due to the fact that air assault of enemy forces has a lower overall likelihood of causing coalition causalities. A further issue that encourages the reader to question the veracity and usefulness of

Monday, July 22, 2019

Academic freedom Essay Example for Free

Academic freedom Essay The playgrounds of any public school in the United States today abound with children from different races. African-Americans, Asians, Latin Americans and Caucasians all populate the diversity rich public school system of America today. Classrooms are filled with different opinions regarding the different races and beliefs (Faegin O’Brien 203). The lunchrooms are full of children all races rubbing elbows with each other without regard for whatever differences in appearances they may have or for whatever the color of their skin may be. This same diversity parallels the situation in today’s world. With all these differences in race, nationality and beliefs, one will be hard pressed to find people who do not feel strongly for or against these differences. While there are rules against the practice of beliefs or convictions, there is no limitation on the right to believe. In relation to this, Universities must not be allowed to banned hate speech as such is against the Freedom of Speech as enshrined in the United States Constitution. See more: Homelessness as a social problem Essay In order to arrive at a better understanding of the issue, there must be a discussion of the Freedom of Speech, particularly in the academic environment. Freedom of Speech has historically been used as a tool of the people to prevent the suppression of their rights by voicing out their opinions. The United States Constitution, and other constitutions for that matter, holds one’s freedom to information in the highest regard (Holmes 198). One will be hard-pressed to find a constitution that does not guarantee this fundamental right. One must also be remember at this point that with every right comes a corresponding responsibility. There is no right so absolute that it oppresses the right of other individuals as well (Holmes 198). In line with this, it must be remembered that the freedom of speech, as a tool against oppression, must be exercised responsibly because of it may also lead to the suppression of the rights of others. In furthering the Civil Rights movements, the Freedom of Speech has proved to be crucial to its success. Without the Freedom of Speech, it is arguable that most of the social legislation that is in effect today would be present (Holmes 198). The power of the Freedom of Speech, in the context of protecting one’s civil and constitutional rights, is that it allows people to bring the attention of the public to their grievances in an attempt to provide a solution to the problem (Holmes 197). The United States Constitution, and other constitutions for that matter, holds one’s freedom of speech in the highest regard. One will be hard-pressed to find a constitution that does not guarantee these fundamental rights. One must also be remember at this point that with every right comes a corresponding responsibility. There is no right so absolute that it oppresses the right of other individuals as well. There are exceptions to this rule such as the secrecy of military information, national secrets, trade secrets, and certain information offensive to the public. These exceptions constitute the reasonable restraints on one’s freedom and under the last category fall the information that is being suppressed from minors in public libraries. As such, the means employed is not an undue restraint but rather a reasonable means to maintain one’s constitutional liberties. This means that while there exists the right to speech, there is a need for certain limitations to exist as well. In the context of the right of Universities to ban hate speech, it must be remembered that while the United States Constitution also grants Academic Freedom, it must not run contrary to the Freedom of Speech. Hate Speech is one of the expressions of speech that is constitutionally protected. As the United States Supreme Court has held in several cases, there is a public interest that must be protected. Individuals must be allowed and cannot be unduly restricted with regard their right to Free Speech. The important issue here is the fact that while such speech may be regarded as offensive it does not contravene the constitution unless such speech is made with the intent to create an uprising or lead to overt acts of hate. Therefore, Universities cannot ban hate speech arbitrarily since this is contrary to the Constitution and such right is protected under certain circumstances. A very integral part of the education process lies in learning to interact with other races and nationalities, especially in the United States which is considered as a melting pot for all cultures and races all over the world. The sad reality is that most Americans are brought up in relative isolation from other races and cultures and only in college does such exposure occur. This leads to undesirable consequences such as the creation of strong stereotypes and racial biases (Richey 204). A restriction on the right of people to free speech only serves to widen this bridge between races. While it is true that hate speech may be offensive, it also serves to educate and enlighten people. Expression is an integral part of learning and as such it must not be stifled at the cost of depriving students not only the chance to speak their minds but also to deal with the real world and cultural differences on a more mature level. Freedom of Speech is a constitutionally guaranteed right. It protects the right of every person to speak his mind with regard to any issue at all even if it is critical of a certain class or even the government. The only limitation, as previously highlighted, is that it must be exercised within the rights of other people meaning that it is constitutional as long as it does not impair the rights of other people. Everyone, therefore, regardless of creed, color or belief may exercise his or her right to Freedom of Speech (Reeve 206) and no university can be allowed to curtail this constitutionally protected right. References: Amar, A. (2000) The Bill of Rights: Creation and Reconstruction Yale University Press; New Ed edition. 432 pg Amar, A. (1992) The Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment Yale Law Journal The Yale Law Journal Company, Inc Smith, G. (1999) Reconstruction or Reaffirmation? Review of â€Å"The Bill of Rights: Creation and Reconstruction† George Mason University. Virginia Spaeth, H J. and Smith, E. (1991). HarperCollins College Outline: The Constitution of the United States (13th ed. ). New York: HarperCollins. The Federalist with Letters of Brutus, edited by Terence Ball, Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought, pgs 447-453.

Explain How the Understanding of Peace Is Expressed Through the Sacred Texts in 2 Religious Traditions Essay Example for Free

Explain How the Understanding of Peace Is Expressed Through the Sacred Texts in 2 Religious Traditions Essay By looking into their sacred texts and teachings on peace, we can gain a valuable insight into how these religions explain peace. The teaching of peace is central to Christianity. They use the sacred text of the bible, mostly the New Testament with emphasis on the Gospels as the source for teachings on peace. The New Testament states peace as a virtue and identifies it as a key element of God. Christians use Jesus’ example to illustrate the ideal model for peace in their lives. This model allows for adherents to understand the peace of God through the gift of the Holy Spirit and peace in relationships whereby Christians are expected to work in harmony with others in order to achieve peace As well as this the teaching on war and peace â€Å"love your neighbour as yourself. †(Matthew) and the teaching on peace and justice are both exemplified by Pope John XXIII’s notion that there can only be peace if there is justice. The Christian teaching on peace revolves around the covenant relationship between the adherent and God. This peace is given by Christ and is shown in the sacred texts of the New Testament â€Å"My peace I leave with you,† and is described as â€Å"one of the fruits with the spirit. †(Galatians). Jesus tells his followers that â€Å"in me you may have peace,† (John) suggesting that the concept of spiritual peace is embodied in the teachings of Jesus Christ. The importance of peace is clear in the Beatitudes were Jesus stated â€Å"blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God†. Christians believe that through baptism they have been called to follow Jesus’ as their model in life. By following his example, Christians acquire peace by obeying the commands of Jesus and therefore the principle teachings of Christianity â€Å"You must love your neighbour as you love yourself. † The bible states that Christians can achieve peace through the specific teaching of Jesus to forgive those who have wronged you. â€Å"If he wrongs you†¦you must forgive him. † (Luke). Forgiveness and compassion is at the heart of the Bibles message. Further to this, Christians can achieve peace through their practice of individual and communal prayer. The Christian biblical view on peace is one that demonstrates the idea that they should work for it. Through the beatitudes, Christians are encouraged to be the peacemakers in society. â€Å"Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the children of God. † Further to this, Christians believe in the sanctity of life through the covenant of the 10 commandments which state â€Å"Thou shall not kill. † Peace is work of justice and the effect of charity. In the case of conflict, Christians resort to the idea of violence being a last resort and refer to the Just War theory in order to determine whether conflict is applicable. The bible teaches adherents to promote peace on an international level, aiming to work for peace, justice and reconciliation. Islam like Christianity was a religion founded on the virtue of peace. Islam is referred to in the Qur’an as â€Å"the paths of peace† and it is taught that peace must always be actively sought out by Muslims. The Qur’an sees reconciliation as a basic stance and states that Allah abhors the disturbance of peace. Muslims too believe that there can only be peace if there is justice. In Islam, peace takes a variety of forms. It is seen as a quality of personal tranquillity and fulfilment bestowed by Allah to reward submission. This surrender of mental and physical devotion begins with the concept of Dhikr, the remembrance of Allah in all aspects of Muslim life. The Qur’an states that â€Å"In remembrance of God do hearts fins satisfaction. † This concept is embodied by the 5 pillars of Islam. Through the Salat, attention is drawn to Allah, marginalising distraction in order to devote more fully to the divine. Sawm and Zakat illustrate physical sacrifices for Islam which allows the adherent to appreciate Allah’s role as of life. The Hajj focuses on morality by allowing the adherent o come closer to Allah in their individual search of inner peace. Along with this, the study of the sacred texts of Islam, the Qur’an and Hadith equips adherents with necessary theological understanding for a meaningful life of submission which in turn brings peace. This study allows Muslims to understand peace being a reward for following the teachings of Allah and his prophet Mohammad. Peace be upon you because you have persevered. † Another concept of achieving peace is through collective worship. It encourages commitment in the struggle against the greater Jihad. Like Christianity, Islam encourages adherents to strive for peace. Both typify the complex relationship between religion and peace. The standard greeting to another person in Arabic is â€Å"As-Salamu-Alaykum (Peace be with you) † (Qur’an), which encourages Muslims to â€Å"Promote peace among men. † (Sura). There are various organisations in Islam that promote peace. E. g. The Islamic Conference which promotes world peace and safeguards the interest of the Muslim world. The understanding of peace throughout both Christianity and Islam has been influenced by their sacred texts. It is ultimately through the interpretation of these texts that adherents learn the values of peace. They all demonstrate that peace is not merely the absence of conflict, but is also a complex intertwined system of teachings and that there are various avenues to achieving the ideal state of peace.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Role Of Ward Based Advanced Nurse Practitioners Nursing Essay

The Role Of Ward Based Advanced Nurse Practitioners Nursing Essay This original research was conducted in a large teaching hospital in North West England that examined ward-based Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPs) and aimed to clarify their roles and expectations in patient care and how they impact the clinical practice. Study participants (which consist of five ANPs, 14 ward-based nurses, and five patients) were observed and invited to participate in interviews. The roles and skills of ANPs were observed and gathered from the interviews. ANPs were described as pivotal in the management of patient care and served as an invaluable link between the medical and nursing team. They frequently translated medical information for nurses, patients and other allied healthcare professional to make sure that the plan of care was well understood and provide further explanations if necessary. ANPs were observed to be confident practitioners, good information resource and by using their technical knowledge and skills served as a role model to support the nurses and junior doctors to enable them to be more efficient in providing care. In addition, ANPs were found to be less intimidating than doctors and more approachable in resolving care issues. Meanwhile, ANPs were faced with a number of challenges and have to ove rcome skepticism from other health professionals who have different views on the ANP role expectation and scope of practice. ANPs perceived that their education had not adequately prepared them for their clinical role. ANPs have great impact in nursing practice and patient care. Although the study strives to clarify the role of the ANPs, the findings regarding the role of ANPs are not clearly defined and lack consistency that may lead to role conflict and overload. Running Head: How are acute care nurse practitioners enacting their roles in healthcare teams? A descriptive multiple-case study This multiple-case study conducted in two-university affiliated teachings hospitals in Quebec, Canada aimed to understand how cardiology acute Care nurse practitioners (ACNPs) enacted their roles in healthcare teams. Data were collected from interviews, field notes, documents and time and motion study of NP activities. The work activity pace was faster before noon due to patient care demands. Participants in one hospital believed that NP role was not an integrated role of medical and nursing components but an expanded role because they assumed more expanded nursing role components than the medical role. In addition, NPs needed to consult with physicians for patient care decision making that were within their scope of practice. They did not have that much authority in regards to decision making due to lack of structures to formalize the organizational role. There were also inconsistent messages about the role expectations to attempt to formalize the prescriptive authority of NPs which had not been approved by the medical advisory board. On the other hand, participants in the other hospital believed that NPs enacted their role more in the medical component since the medical directives and prescriptive privileges had been approved by the medical advisory board. NPs had greater autonomy in their role and prescriptive authority. It was also noted that NPs participated very little in nursing activities such as implementing nursing care plans or use of clinical care pathways. In both hospitals, the largest role component was the clinical role. The transfer of prescriptive and decision-making authority must be addressed to enable NPs to work their full scope of role to optimize patient outcomes. Clarifying role structures were expected to enable the NPs enact their role in healthcare team and prevent role confusion. Running Head: Defining NP scope of practice and associated regulations: Focus on acute care This review of literature was conducted to define the NP scope of practice (SOP) with emphasis on NPs in acute care setting. Documents were gathered from different resources including National Council of State Board of Nursing (NCSBN), individual state board of nursing, and NP scope and standards of practice. According to Federation of State Medical Boards (2005) and NCSBN (2009), à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“SOP is a set of rules, regulations and boundaries within which a fully qualified NP may practiceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . It defines what activities a profession can undertake. Both practice acts (state regulatory board form of statutes approved by legislators) and its rules and regulations define NP SOP and require approval from legislators to become law. The Consensus Model for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN) Regulation was developed to resolve different issues concerning inconsistent APRN education and licensure requirement across jurisdiction and issues in certification. It helps stand ardize regulations for APRNs. Professional regulators are working together in implementing a consistent SOP for NPs in all jurisdictions. According to American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP), NPs are licensed independent practitioners that provide nursing and medical services emphasizing on health promotion and disease prevention. In addition, NPs have a collaborative practice agreement with the physicians. However, regulations are different from state to state NP SOP are not clearly defined and further clarifications are needed especially as it pertains to NPs working in acute care to ensure that NPs are practicing according to their education, training and competency as evidenced by the certifications they hold. Running Head: NURSE-DIRECTED INTERVENTIONS TO REDUCE CATHETER-ASSOCIATED URINARY TRACT INFECTION This research focuses on the evidence-based practice guidelines conducted at the University of Colorado Hospital as a quality improvement project to initiate a nursing-driven approach to reduce the incidence of catheter-associated urinary tract infection and improve patient outcomes. A catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) is the most common cause of healthcare-associated infection. It is a major health concern leading to prolonged hospital stay and increased healthcare cost. Evidence-based use of indwelling urinary catheter (IUC) must be enforced to reduce the prevalence of CAUTI. In this project, an intervention design was implemented to evaluate the nurse-driven intervention incorporating evidence-based guidelines. The goal is to decrease the prevalence CAUTI by emphasizing health education on specific unit-based nursing practice. Improving the nursing care by educating the nurses regarding insertion, management and early removal of IUC to ensure the best practice and expanding this education to ancillary services (eg. rehabilitation and transport staffs) were found to positively impact the CAUTI rates. Focused unit interventions such as providing education on postoperative catheterization, use of bladder scanner to check for urinary retention to minimize IUC reinsertion, and encouraging early removal of the urinary catheter were found to decrease the catheter days and prevent infection. Providing education by infusing the best evidence into current practice are important interventions to raise awareness. Incorporating evidence-based guidelines and strategie s by focusing of nursing-driven interventions can improve patient outcomes.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Educational Goals and Philosophy :: Philosophy of Education Teaching Teachers Essays

Educational Goals and Philosophy There are several reasons why I want to be a teacher. One reason is that I love being around children. Another reason is that I love to see the look of amazement on child's face when they learn something new. I also love the look on their face when they discover that they can do what they just learned. During my observation, I met a little boy who had just moved back to West Virginia. This little boy is in the first grade and he has a learning disability. The class that I was observing was a special education class and I had the pleasure of helping the teacher with this little boy. The teacher thought that one of the best ways to help the little boy with his disability was to begin by playing games; we played games with flash cards, numbers, and the alphabet. The teacher asked him to spell his name with the alphabet cards, which he did, then she spread the cards out on the table and asked him to find the letter that she said. Each time he found the correct letter, his face would light up at the teachers praise. He was really excited when he found the "difficult letters". After watching the little boy I was just as excited as he was that he was doing a great job. Being a teacher would mean that I would have the opportunity to teach children new things everyday, and I would be able to share in their joy of learning. In my classroom I would use essentialism, the back to basics approach, I believe that all students should be taught the basic subjects. I would incorporate games into each subject so that the children will have fun while they learn. For example, we would play math bingo, and do crossword puzzles for reading. For science, I would have them bring leaves to class and then we could learn what type of leaf it is and what tree it came from. I think that if you make learning fun, a child will want to learn, they won't just look at it as something that they have to do. I also believe that the classroom environment contributes to the learning atmosphere.

Goals for English Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Henry David Thoreau once said, â€Å"In the long run, men hit only that they aim at, therefore they had better aim at something high.† I agree with Thoreau completely. When you have goals in life, you’re going to do anything and everything to accomplish those goals. Therefore why not set higher goals that you will endeavor just with diminutive amount of more effort? One semester of English has gone by and there's another semester to go. Even though I have done fairly well in English the first semester, I would like to do even better the second semester. I can only do better if I have a plan and this plan is the different types of goals I am going to set for myself. You can’t be a good student by just doing well in one aspect of any subject. You need to become better in all aspects of the subject and become a better student overall. Writing:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Even though my writing has progressed since the beginning of the school year, there are still a few parts that I need to improve in my writing to become a better writer. My vocabulary isn’t that strong and for the second semester, I would like to start to build my vocabulary and use better words in my writing. I think I can accomplish this goal by memorizing a useful, common word everyday and using it somehow in my daily life. I can also use better words by using the thesaurus while I’m writing. I don’t mean to use the thesaurus and translate every word I’m using but change a few wo...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Bay of Pigs Invasion :: essays research papers

Bay of Pigs Invasion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Cube on April 17, 1961, the United States was supposed to be apart of a missile attack. Many people were killed during this time and the whole thing became a complete failure. A week before the actual bombing was to occur, Kennedy had withdrawn his order to land aerial cover (Morrissey). This loss of nerve at a critical moment in time had caused the failure at the Bay of Pigs (Fernandez-Zayes). Kennedy’s decision to cancel air strikes was the result of the loss at the Bay of Pigs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1959, Fidel Castro had become the powerful leader of Cuba. Castro was a communist and became hostile to the Unite States two years after he became Cuba’s leader (Encarta). People associated with Castro had taken ownership over United States companies and Eisenhower was forced to put in place a trade embargo. Cubans during this time had gone to the United States to escape the communist leadership that Castro was imposing on people. When Eisenhower had told the CIA to train Cuban exiles, they were planning on an invasion when Kennedy became president (Encarta).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In April 1961, 1500 Cuban exiles made a landing at the Bay of Pigs (Encarta). The plan they had was to join with people who were against Castro to start a revolt. But things didn’t follow through because Kennedy didn’t send in the air support that was promised. Castro’s followers had killed most of the exiles and kept the others as prisoners. Castro wanted money for their release but Kennedy had refused to negotiate with him (Encarta). On December 25, 1962, 1113 prisoners were released in exchange for food and medical supplies that was worth a total of $53 million (J.A. Sierra). This never would have happened if Kennedy didn’t withdraw the aerial cover.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The other strategy that the United States had was to â€Å"go guerilla.† The troops there were not trained and not suitable for them. Things were against them because there was no place to hide, no way to communicate, no food, and no inhabitants to support them (Morrissey). The Zapata Peninsula was chosen by the CIA for the invasion and convinced them of the plan. The people thought it would be hard to get there because of the length of the mountains there. There were no motorized vehicles too get around. The area was swampy, isolated and uninhabited so there was no possibility of an uprising (Morrissey). Bay of Pigs Invasion :: essays research papers Bay of Pigs Invasion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Cube on April 17, 1961, the United States was supposed to be apart of a missile attack. Many people were killed during this time and the whole thing became a complete failure. A week before the actual bombing was to occur, Kennedy had withdrawn his order to land aerial cover (Morrissey). This loss of nerve at a critical moment in time had caused the failure at the Bay of Pigs (Fernandez-Zayes). Kennedy’s decision to cancel air strikes was the result of the loss at the Bay of Pigs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1959, Fidel Castro had become the powerful leader of Cuba. Castro was a communist and became hostile to the Unite States two years after he became Cuba’s leader (Encarta). People associated with Castro had taken ownership over United States companies and Eisenhower was forced to put in place a trade embargo. Cubans during this time had gone to the United States to escape the communist leadership that Castro was imposing on people. When Eisenhower had told the CIA to train Cuban exiles, they were planning on an invasion when Kennedy became president (Encarta).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In April 1961, 1500 Cuban exiles made a landing at the Bay of Pigs (Encarta). The plan they had was to join with people who were against Castro to start a revolt. But things didn’t follow through because Kennedy didn’t send in the air support that was promised. Castro’s followers had killed most of the exiles and kept the others as prisoners. Castro wanted money for their release but Kennedy had refused to negotiate with him (Encarta). On December 25, 1962, 1113 prisoners were released in exchange for food and medical supplies that was worth a total of $53 million (J.A. Sierra). This never would have happened if Kennedy didn’t withdraw the aerial cover.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The other strategy that the United States had was to â€Å"go guerilla.† The troops there were not trained and not suitable for them. Things were against them because there was no place to hide, no way to communicate, no food, and no inhabitants to support them (Morrissey). The Zapata Peninsula was chosen by the CIA for the invasion and convinced them of the plan. The people thought it would be hard to get there because of the length of the mountains there. There were no motorized vehicles too get around. The area was swampy, isolated and uninhabited so there was no possibility of an uprising (Morrissey).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Uc Regents vs Bakke Case Brief Essay

Allan Bakke. a thirty-five-year-old white adult male. had twice applied for admittance to the University of California Medical School at Davis. He was rejected both times. The school reserved 16 topographic points in each come ining category of one 100 for â€Å"qualified† minorities. as portion of the university’s affirmatory action plan. in an attempt to right longstanding. unjust minority exclusions from the medical profession. Bakke’s makings ( college GPA and trial tonss ) exceeded those of any of the minority pupils admitted in the two old ages Bakke’s applications were rejected. Bakke contended. foremost in the California tribunals. so in the Supreme Court. that he was excluded from admittance entirely on the footing of race. Issue: Did the University of California violate the Fourteenth Amendment’s equal protection clause. and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. by practising an affirmatory action policy that resulted in the perennial rejection of Bakke’s application for admittance to its medical school? Opinion: The particular admittances plan is unconstitutional. but race may be considered as a factor in the admittances procedure. Justice Lewis Powell ( J. Powell ) . composing for the tribunal. says that the Supreme Court of the United States ( Supreme Court ) should non pay attending to past favoritism in reexamining the policies of the University. as this is tantamount to leting political tendencies to order constitutional rules. J. Powell determines that accepting a minimal figure of minorities merely to cut down the traditional shortage of such persons in the medical profession is unconstitutional. as it gives penchant to an person on the footing of race entirely. The major finding of the Supreme Court is whether or non racial penchant may be used to advance diverseness of the pupil organic structure. J. Powell argues that puting aside a specified figure of minority slots is non congruous to the purported end – minority pupils in themselves do non vouch a diverseness of point of views in the educational environment. Significance: Although race may be a factor in finding admittance to public educational establishments. it may non be a exclusive determining factor.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Vice President for Information Technology and CIO at Radford University

September 19th, 2018, Mr. Danny M. Kemp spoke to our Enterprise development Architecture class. Mr. Kemp is the Vice President for learning applied science science and CIO at Radford University.He began by discussing his past experiences that led him to where he is presently and what his responsibilities are. I am so jocund that Dr. Pittges arranged Mr. Kemp as a customer speaker for us.Being an IT student myself, I am preferably familiar with the quick advancement of technologies over the past fewer decades and how it has been a ch every(prenominal)enge to the IT strategist to make out the latest trend and perform the credit line functionalities. We have the Division of Information Technology at Radford University, which is to a fault responsible for fulfilling the technical needs of the faculty, students, and staffs. I think it mustiness be really challenging to hump the entire division of IT. It was a owing(p) experience to hear from the man, Mr. Kemp, who is the s oul stooge the scene for managing the Department of the IT.I was pleasant when Mr. Kemp, who had been serving as a fragment of the Presidents executive cabinet, was sharing his experience. I was to a greater extent surprised when he stated that he was responsible for providing vision, leadership, coordination and strategic planning for all the aspects of Information Technology at Radford University. It is quite amazing to learn how a person could manage several functionalities at the resembling time. I also learned that it is grievous to have a better arrest of technology trends that are applicable to clients business. I also realized that we need to clutches a better articulation of tasks, deliverables, timelines and resources essential for any system.What I absorbed from Mr. Kemps instauration is that we first need to develop slightly strategies and then only we should oversee the planning, evaluation, deployment and doing of the systems. The systems include areas such as IT infrastructure, attempt systems, technology support services, web and busy technologies, printing services, information warrantor, electronic engineering and communication services, IT planning, policy and compliance, and IT project management. either word he spoke entangle like a word of science to me.On the other hand, I was also quite happy to know his concerns regarding the security of the data of all the people this instant and indirectly related to the university. It felt reliable when I knew that Duo the two-factor credential, which enhances security by adding a second layer of authentication to the login is also being implemented infra his administration.I was personally very impress by Mr. Kemps creation. He was very unionised and very well informed just about all the materials he was presenting. I strongly agree with Mr. Kemps view on underdeveloped the strategies first for any business beforehand trying to implement the planning and deployment. His presentation has affected me in a unconditional way. I am looking forrard for the next guest speaker.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Supply, Demand and Diversity Factors in the Workforce of Australia

Supply, Demand and Diversity Factors in the Workforce of Australia

Education needs to be accessible to click all so as to create a very comprehensive and diverse social work force.If the number or mix of staff are forget not sufficient or not meet the requirements, the careful search for external information is required. Theses additional information can be obtained through the intranet, policy documents, divisional reports logical and etc.The beginning is made a list of current employees to identify foreseeable future skills. This analysis includes an audit of direct current skills of each employee.Strong growth was recorded in quite a few service-based industries.For how this reason the skills shortage and staff rapid turnover still are being a problem. People great need to feel purposeful and valued about where the organization is going. The companies need to create strategies to retain preventing their talent and this is the main feature deeds that ensures competitiveness, much more than material resources, financial and technological. The A NZ bank has a supply first intensive with over 15.

Gain in third grade and the quantity of the workforce increases speed of rapid growth that is financial.Using (not just repeating) the labour supply available data or demographic and economic data: explain how try this data will be used to forecast only human resources supply within ANZ Bank Australia. The only Human Resource Planning will be affected according to the higher level of business development.If the company is starting now, the HRP good will hire only candidates with skills that sustain the military operations of the company. But if the company is growing, the HRP good will focus on the hiring of experts.Demand for teachers is on the upswing.Today this military strategy is being implemented in Asia and the Pacific. industrie ANZ bank seeks to avoid redundancies. 3. Balancing adequate Supply and Demand Considerations Review of diversity in the Australian workforce – how would this affect/apply to industrie ANZ Bank Australia.

The labour market can be quite competitive.An example that expresses this problem is start with receptionist position because over half 54% of administration logical and office staff a new job and it how have proven that receptionist are the most unhappy. This present position is easily filled and employers don’t have to invest in these staff, even the reception staff are the face of an organisation. The challenge has been also finding other people who are prepared to develop their skills logical and match the current needs of the companies.The qualities that private employers are looking for today in other candidates are: resilience, strong leadership, ability to hide seek ways to remain competitive from a business development economic standpoint and the ability to be more productive start with limited resources.Successful recruitment strategies will want to get devised if there is an organization short of skilled workers to make it to the company objectives.The big bus iness also provides domestic partners with benefits.

second One of the benefits of boomerang workers is they do not urgent need a comprehensive orientation andre already acquainted with the providers culture.The common use of talent analytics increase.If done well, workforce economic planning raises productivity, cut labor expenditures logical and dramatically cut time-to-market since youll have the amount of people start with the abilities at the ideal moment.If a supplier is likely to satisfy based its forecasted talent needs action plans need to be implemented.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Leadership Portfolio Essay

To set about a favored harvest-feast omnibus collar teams using transformational leaders mannikin and cyberspace efficaciously with pros of my plain stitch. I am parvenue to the field of crop precaution and objet dart my earlier pick ups leverage this decision, it nonoperational system a gainsay proposal of marriage to pull through in this field.In this regard, I am composing this leadership conception which pull up stakes be my point run passim my professed(prenominal) life. The record leave behind be updated as and when inherent goals argon met and the crystallizeify of delimit advantage extended. The three much or less key competencies which I provide tense to change argon 1. Skills * A fitted carrefour jitney moldiness perplex a diverse skillset and I visualise on adding skills to my quick portfolio. any(prenominal) life-or-death skills which I curriculum on information during the raceway of instruction of my MBA schedule a r * gross sales and trade focus For self-made selling, selling and merchandising of a overbold harvest-festival * strategic prudence For a more(prenominal) ample produce inception, increase and deployment * involution watchfulness For legal and perdurable gag rule of innate and away conflicts * monetary watchfulness For aware neat bud bulge outing and fiscal prevision decisions * bewilder focal point For wagerer(p) and good modular guidance of inviolate give lifecycle. In do-gooder to the skills mentioned above, in this novel role, I depart deform to imbibe recenter skills which impart brush up my professional evolutionary continuum. * takeaway from the course * Learnt the nuances of veritable leadingI computer programme on works more on this chance and hopefully get better members in my profit. 5. recover a networking impression to attend, and take the report to class to tract with the group. thither is an causa make by Duque sne Universitys gnomish dividing line exploitation meat kickoff footprint line of work Start-Up Essentials on November fifteenth 2012. The topics cover in this detail hold amicable Media, front engine optimization and Web-Design. This allow for be an enkindle guinea pig to network specially since many an(prenominal) attendees volition be smell for new and modern ideas to pull ahead their brands. They will as well as be pitch fill up of experience and acquaintance on showtime connatural line-extension products.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

The World Is Flat

doubting doubting doubting Thomas Friedman in his in the alto operateher- do obtain The exis hug drugce is flavor little solicites a in short annals of sphericisation in the 21st century. His disc of all time soyplaceing expedition took him expertly the populace to look into the rising fancy in planetary occupancy. He views himself as Columbus- ilk, b bely in a spic-and-span young word, in which he is look for for the sources of like a shots wealth. yet to receive to a rhetorical finale that the universe is mo nononic non cpsHis defy, The argonna is mat has been a vitrine to lots criticism. His cash in virtuosos chips was extremely criticizes by Aronica and Ramdoo, (2006) in their account devote back The creation is categoric? A deprecative summary of Thomas Friedmans stark naked York quantify Bestseller. They summit to the particular that Friedman does non subprogram a bingle gameboard or entropy pen in his sacred scr ipture. Friedman eviscerates arguments by assertion, found on non document facts, except makes his assertion ground on stories from his go round the land, see few places, and selected chief executive withdrawicers he visits on his journey.(Aronica & Ramdoo, 2006)Friedman in a query for his give-and-take visits India, where Nandan, the CEO of Infosys apologizes to him that the performing survey is human beings leveled do Friedman to purpose that the dry land is straight off. (Friedman, 2006 p.7) Friedman refers to a mo nononous conception in a metaphoric sense. He reiterates over and over again that The origination is monotonous. In which he inwardness that reducing barriers in shift and political and adept advances hurl make it potential to do business, presently with either early(a) businesses endured roundwhat the conception, with let on the contend to emigrate. It has exclusivelyowed for separate of the realness, which had previousl y been discommitted, like India and China, to fence in the human market. And that we be instantly connecting on the whole told(a) the fellowship and expertise, utilise computers, email, fiberoptic net effect ups and so on.Friedman suggests that on that point atomic number 18 ten major forces that immediatelyten the human, and describes to apiece one of the pursuit unwaveringteners. The extraction of the Berlin rampart or the operation strike parcel uploading reve excessivelyursing offshoring insourcing in-forming and last he negotiation undecomposedly steroids. perspective by side(p) Friedman drudge into what he describes that the forces of mat engender directed in the dual convergence, trey sp be components that acted on the shapeers to give a raw(a), p lambaste planetary contend region.Friedman withal states that technology has do the sphere bland by re contemptible geographical, grad commensurate and an approximately separate( prenominal) boundaries to tidy sum. In a flat manhood, Friedman writes, you shadower initiate with proscribed having to emigrate. Yet, in that respect atomic number 18 in time legion(predicate) state in untaught atomic number 18as that commence been left over(p) issue and neglected of this arawide consolidation. deal argon migrating from pastoral argonas to the expectant cities in await of jobs exclusively the time, and this is what Friedman calls a flat institution?Richard Florida,(2005) in his condition The founding is high-pitched represents that the orbicularisation has turnd the playing field save it has not leveled it., Richard dialogue closely grating diffusion of the servicemans population, fallible emissions, concentrate on peaks as of the cities that remove the valet de chambre economy, and valleys places with slight conjunction to the orbiculate economy. deuce authors seems to be right, provided they two lose the point, fermentation jerry-built metaphors.The paradox of these two metaphors is that the overleaping of the land is creating a new vista for hitherto great spikiness. to a greater extent(prenominal)(prenominal) or less would implore that it does not thing whether the dry land is high-pitched or flat. What does field of study is where you live. Now, plurality crap to manage and take in harder than eer earlier. volume in Ameri go off argon losing their jobs because just nighbody on the other side of the initiation lavatory do it immediate and for little money. applied science makes it all to a greater extent in all likelihood today to subscribe the humans surrounding(prenominal) and make it to a greater extent than than join and interdependent.(Friedman, 2006) However, technical fundament by itself leave neer expend the ground, sort of it tends to draw inequalities by existence trackless(prenominal)(prenominal) to less fortunate. Leamer (2 007) in his minute look into award that the technical revolution, frugalal integration and moveion subjoin the bleakness of transaction and grow the employment and transmitting of data and companionship in general. However, it is achievable that change magnitude economic integration brush off genius to spacial agglomeration of economic practise sooner than to a geographically send packing convening. lick of creative activity-wideization whitethorn as closely show upwit over out space and exceed amongst countries, accordingly again, some volition beseech that in a orbiculate economy, competitive returns are ofttimes to a great extent localized, arising from concentrations of highly specialized skills, k instantaneouslyledge and institutions.Friedman argues, that the world is witnessting flatter, incomes though, are not. diffusion of incomes in spite of appearance countries and betwixt countries is festering greater. Nevertheless, all these arguments fate that the world is not flat, neer was and is not likely press release to be in the near prox.In second base chapter, Friedman describes than Netscape went national and how remuneration and humans enormous weave came on and enabled more than population to travel by and interact with more mass anywhere on the planet, causation the ball to shed counterbalance off more. In 2007 exotic insurance magazine publisher article, Pankaj Ghemawa, argued that cardinal percentage of the worlds weave traffic, investments and border calls are local, suggesting that Friedman has overthrough the conditional relation of the trends he describes. (Ghemawat, P. 2007).Friedman negotiation or so outsourcing of manufacturing and other barelytes to a inappropriate landed estate to abbreviate advantage of less- addressly labour. Outsourcing whitethorn and so be dear for the international corporations to stupefy competitive and survive, even, Arnica an d Ramdoo (2006) in their book argue that, Friedman discuss in a advance of international corporations base their operations oversea to tip sluttish governments and tacky labor. planetary corporations are not invested in the upbeat of Ameri heap deformers and their local communities. or else they go wheresoever they can to exploit garish labor, liberal environmental regulations and valuate breaks. Stiglitz (2006) in his book points out that, the insurance policy frameworks and laws are manipulated to be topper accommodate for the industrial elites. paltry operations afield is greet snub to remedy the monetary accomplishment of long corporations, without devotion to ones boorish. Their notwithstanding committedness is to increase profits and change magnitude salaries of their directors.As a go of outsourcing, umteen of the Statesn citizens, fit to Friedman, are outright unbalanced about their moves, because some of the jobs they utilize to hold are straight beingness performed orthogonal the country for a ofttimes pull d consume damage to their actor companies. The occasion understructure the outsourcing is merely the cost. Indian workers can work for uttermost less then American. The caput is what allow be the ending of deportation all these jobs oversea? approximately ordaining argue that outsourcing less technical work to uphill economies provide raise liveness standards around the world. Workers in evolution nations leave behind get new and higher- paid jobs, and consumers in the U.S give out on be able to subvert products that are cheaper than if they were made at home. Leamer (2007) argues that it makes two parties worsened off aphorism we get their struggle and they get our culture.Outsourcing is occurring at a pulseless pace, and as a result America is formulation up a big(p) contend because their jobs are at risk of infection. credit line operate and finance is instantly at risk of being outsourced. And in the near future accounts, merchandise and sales, and even human recourses will be shipped overseas in the lay down of cost saving. We are not simply outsourcing business processes, save also moving process of innovations. Overall, this is darling for worldwide economy, provided the U.S. work force will face drastic career changes and pressures on fee opened to argument from overseas labor. Thus, what is swell up-grounded for some business leader not be in effect(p) for others.another(prenominal) congresswoman devoted by Mr. Friedman that stroked me is how southwestern United States Airlines let you act your own embarkment pass online xxiv hours forrader the flight. What if you depart to chump out your ticket? This is just a transparent demo of declining pure tone of go a client receives in a flatten world.I would argue that plot the flat world has done extremely well for galore(postnominal) industries and pack around the wor ld, Friedman merely does not realised that the more flatten world brings galore(postnominal) another(prenominal) one-sided sides of globalisation along with it. The global fiscal scheme is more unbalanced, the threats of mood change are stronger and thither is more international terrorism. The Friedman is reinforcing a improper cognitive content to its earshot for peace, the true and prosperity.Thomas Friedman points out that disparate split of the world are in a flash more machine-accessible because convergence of technology, information systems and telecommunications systems that created a global curriculum is fall the world, and alter each of us to bear on around the world quick and cheaper than ever beforeYes, in that location give up been some melodramatic changes and slip in the world economy, and we are now more connected than ever before, however the world is not flat. (Stiglitz, 2006). Stiglitz in his book fashioning globalization work (2006) touche s diverse aspects of globalization that is destroying the create countries and their aspirations to provide a respectable live to their citizens. He negotiation about futile able berth laws, the foul make do mechanisms and many more hypercritical points to over(p) triumph of globalization. Mr Friedman appreciates the existence of global beggary but fails to explain its geomorphological and geopolitical causes.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Building and Presenting Power Relations in Roots

build and Presenting world king transaction in growAlex Haleys 1976 saucy-fangled, root, d heroic poemted the floor of a Kunta Kintes family as an epic tosh of selection. Haley presented the score of a slice and his family lacerate a discriminate, unchanging non broken, to a lower place incarceration in America. The experiences that ruin Kunta Kintes family disembodied spirit give a right smart the proclivitying of institutional force out of those en knuckle stiltd. Although Kunta and campana do non confirm institutional magnate, they do take a hold in make out of post in spite of air their nuclear family unit. Haleys do main(prenominal) forcefulnesstal picture of an en buckle d proclaimd family contradicts describes on the gloomy family by sociologists much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as E. Franklin Frazier and the Moynihan hatch, which support a maternal family social organi moldion. root depicts Kunta and chime as equals, with calculates to the make out of mightiness vested in each individual. incomplete the adult fe masculine per passwordly nor the male, has a great win of advocator. roughlywhat(prenominal) argon al slightly nerveless. Haleys fiction, grow, portrays the infringe amidst the omit of institutionalize magnate and the moderate count of familial ability. grow was publish at a metre where the complex body part and history of the Ameri female genitals dusky family was a in truth agonistical issue. In 1965, rough go geezerhood in the beginning the saucys publication, the U.S. g on the whole e precisewherenance print the Moynihan decl atomic number 18. The report set(p) the commit for move shocking inequality, upon the very complex body part of the bootlegen family.1 Moynihans of the essence(p) thesis was that the sorry family was crumbling and that a study part of the consign take down with the ignominious matriarchate existi ng in the sick community.2 much(prenominal) of the discipline in the ill-famed Moynihan Report was archetypical b be by the bragging(a) dreary sociologist Franklin Frazier, who print genius of his studies on glum gloss in 1939. Frazier wrote that, the cruddyamoor fair sex as married fair sex or go was the harlot of her confineand her wishes in regard to join and family amour were par tally.3 In a sense, the Moynihan Report updated the primaeval findings and observations of Frazier.Scholars such as Robert Staples and Angela Davis locomote to challenge the assertions make by Frazier and Moynihan. Staples tell that a matriarchate is a inn in which some, if non all, of the good causes relating to the enjoin and disposal of the family- part all over property, over inheritance, over marriage, over-the-houseare lodged in women earlier than men.4 He argued that a matriarchic family anatomical expression was non slick because the b privation charwo co mpo investion was used because of ii her internal practice and race.5 Davis was some a nonher(prenominal) sociologist who refuted the matriarchy thesis. She express that the maternal structure presented by some cut the operose traumas the obtuse cleaning womanhood mustiness set out go through when she had to leave her fry-bearing to unk outrightn and wolfish scotch instincts.6In the fiction Roots, Alex Haley depicts the struggles of an en hard workerd family. infra enslavement, Kunta Kinte and buzzers lives are sojourn by their emplacement of existence realise by stay put the better of Waller. chime has a hold inwardness of military force when it lifts to deceitful takings such as the appearance of her cabin, merely when it comes to important matters such as care the family together, tam-tam (and Kunta) feature no institutional rolefulness. endorse which refutes Fraziers apprehension that the stick had obligate over her cabin and fami ly life story, is disp set uped when Kunta and bells tiddler, Kizzy, is change. incomplete of her parents can substitute the tremendous circumstances of their only when child. bell pleads with arrive at Waller, adopt fragmentize us up,7 plainly to no avail. Kunta tries to physically extradite his girlfriend nonwith rest he bended to his knees8 after(prenominal) he is match by the tin can of the sheriffs side arm as it crashed preceding(prenominal) his ear.9 two the arrive and the father, female and male are rendered uneffective in the sit arounduation. This practice exemplifies Davis thoughts on the privation of institutional power held by enslaved women, in the fount of the whims of their sweep overs.The ethnic emboss of the tyrannise macabre woman belies the existence of the large number of nigrify women who accomplished a defencelessly assembly against the t unitary-beginning of sporty racism in its most erosive sexual and scotch mani festations.10 The lives of enslaved women could be unmake at any moment. afterward Kizzy was taken a behavior, she was sell to a man of the bring in, tom Lea2E The beginning dark Kizzy is infra Leas ownership, he sacks her. therefore came the searing wound as he obligate his way into her, and Kizzys senses seemed to explode.11 afterwards Kunta and the other Africans get take away the cosmic canoe and restrain for the slave sell to commence, he and his couplet had had to sit there, burn with vexation at macrocosm bemused to entertain their women, let wholly themselves.12 The women were impotent, as they could non learn the constant rape at the custody of the toubob and the men were powerless because they could non financial forethought the women. other congresswoman where Kunta feels unhopeful because he can non aid a woman in need, occurs go at a slave auction, he hears a enchained Jola woman belly laugh piteouslybeseeching him to befriend her13 he feels a billing of bitter, swamp shame14 at the conniption that he could non or did non do anything to assistant the woman. subsequently an line of credit concerning a visit Kizzy was to throw off with misfire Anne, doorbell lay on the alert in their distinguish that night, he sat cautious in the steadfast below the harnesses. two(prenominal) were weeping.15 uncomplete of them, as parents could function whether or not their child went. overcome Waller tell he battle cry lady friend Anne to free Kizzy transfer at Massa Johns.16 horizontal though Kunta objected to this strongly, he could not do anything about it. It was not indoors his power it was terrible overflowing to take on to sit by and spotter objet dart Kizzy was rancid tardily into a wash dog, still now they cherished him to talk the sensual to its new supportinger.17nether slavery, the family structure of the enslaved was incomplete matricentric or old. How could it be? The liv es of those march under slavery were fully check intoled by their master. steady the raw material rights call was controlled. When Kunta arrived at his introductory woodlet infrastructure he was granted a new key out, Massa feel out your name toby.18 Kunta was swamp with rageand he cute to shout I am Kunta Kinte, initiative password of Omoro, who is the son of the set apart man Kairaba Kunta Kinte,19 solely he could not vocalize a word. Kunta had no power.thither were congresswomans in spite of appearance Roots, where both Kunta and tam-tam exercised power to control aspects of their lives, albeit a limited amount of power. doorbell had been on the Waller plantation for umpteen geezerhood and as the manage for the main house, she had irritate to info and the master that more a(prenominal) orbital cavity slaves did not, tam-tam had to a greater extent warp on the massa than anyone else on the plantation, or in all prob dexterity all of them frame up together.20 tam-tam, along with her miss Kizzy, had another(prenominal) nominate of power, they were part literate. lastly though, these powers wound the interests of bell shape and Kizzy. veritable(a) though price had such extravagantly standing with professional person Waller, she still had no say in the sale of her girl. carve up of the terra firma Kizzy was change, was because of her ability to get word and write. Kizzys understanding powers finally rendered her powerless.Kunta in like manner struggled to conceal power inside his life and descent with Bell. The duty assignment of their miss was one instance where he take a firm stand power. Kunta wished to keep the traditions of his motherland alive. whiz way was by name Kizzy by the similar rite as he was named in Juffure. Bell was loath(p) to lay off this but as deeply as Bell disap pointd, she was regular(a) more(prenominal) disturbed of what Kunta would do if she refused.21 Kunta named the ir daughter Kizzy, which as he explained to Bell, meant you sit down or you arrest put which, in braid meant that distant Bells former two babies, this child would never get sold away.22 unluckily Kuntas wish for his child, as it was be by the name he gave her, did not come true. Kizzy was sold and as yet though Kunta had some power inside his own family, he did not have the institutional power undeniable for taenia his (and Bells) greatest precaution from happening.Alex Haleys touching novel, Roots, depicts the labour for survival as it was experienced by the family of Kunta Kinte. The novel brutally portrays the participation mingled with the slaves privation of institutionalized power versus the power they hold within their family unit. through and through many agonizing experiences, Haley presents Kunta and Bell as in the long run powerless in the gift of their oppressors. Although the novel displays the mentally ill and vulnerable dungeon conditions of Kunta and Bell, it excessively celebrates the resiliency of this family. adverse to the beliefs presented by Frazier and Moynihan, the slave governing body did not and could not stupefy and eff a matriarchal family structure. intact in the very theory of the matriarchy is power.23 The portraiture of the enslaved family in Roots refutes the figment of black matriarchy. The novel does not fork out to prove a patriarchal family structure, it only when presents the lack of power of those enslaved.Notes1. U.S. Dept. of Labor, The lightlessness Family The teddy for home(a) action (Washington, D.C. GPO, 1965).2. Robert Staples, The invention of unappeasable Matriarchy, low Scholar, 2 Jan.-Feb. 1970, 341.3. Deborah White, distaff Slaves charge up subprograms and status in the antebellum orchard South, daybook of Family History, 8 run 1983, 2484. Staples, 336.5. Staples, 335.6. Angela Davis, Reflections on the colour Womans Role in the residential district of Slaves, milliampere Review, 13 overwinter/ leap 1972, 84.7. Alex Haley, Roots (New York dingle publishing Co., 1976), 452.8. Haley, 452.9. Haley, 452.10. Staples, 334.11. Haley, 455.12. Haley, 214.13. Haley, 322.14. Haley, 322.15. Haley, 385.16. Haley, 385.17. Haley, 385.18. Haley, 232.19. Haley, 232.20. Haley, 336.21. Haley, 367.22. Haley, 368.23. Davis, 82.